November 14, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 14, 2023Categories FacebookUNTIL 3:00PM TODAY Call to book an appointment ASAPUNTIL 3:00PM TODAY Call to book an appointment ASAP Source
November 14, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 14, 2023Categories FacebookNational Child Day with Maskwacis Health Services Enter to win by submitting a video stating what a…National Child Day with Maskwacis Health Services Enter to win by submitting a video stating […]
November 13, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 13, 2023Categories FacebookHuge congratulations for participating in this amazing event #ermineskinyouth #maskwacisyouth #ermi…Huge congratulations for participating in this amazing event 🙌🏽 #ermineskinyouth #maskwacisyouth #ermineskinhappenings With Love and […]
November 11, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 11, 2023Categories FacebookCongratulations, Creedence Cutarm age 15 Jr. C Novice 45kg. He won his first amateur boxing match b…Congratulations, Creedence Cutarm age 15 Jr. C Novice 45kg. He won his first amateur boxing […]
November 11, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 11, 2023Categories FacebookAlways an honor to sing with my Mountain Kree brother’s 2023 #Neyaskweyahk #VeteransDayPowwow …Always an honor to sing with my Mountain Kree brother’s 🥁 2023 #Neyaskweyahk #VeteransDayPowwow Source
November 11, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 11, 2023Categories FacebookBeautiful ceremony today. We honoured our Veterans, our New Ermineskin Chief Joel Mykat, the grandmo…Beautiful ceremony today. We honoured our Veterans, our New Ermineskin Chief Joel Mykat, the grandmother’s […]
November 11, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 11, 2023Categories FacebookAmazing start for todays Veterans Day Powwow Celebration here at the Panee Agriplex Photos by Marle…Amazing start for todays Veterans Day Powwow Celebration here at the Panee Agriplex 🙌🏽 Photos […]
November 10, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 10, 2023Categories FacebookTis the season to start your Christmas shopping! Here are some holiday markets:Tis the season to start your Christmas shopping! Here are some holiday markets: Source
November 9, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 9, 2023Categories FacebookThis evening, Kokoms of Maskwacîs held a rally for the war on drugs within the Nations. There were m…This evening, Kokoms of Maskwacîs held a rally for the war on drugs within the […]
November 9, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 9, 2023Categories FacebookIt was Kakiskisototahcihk Samakanisikanahk (Remembrance Day) for students today at EES. On Saturda…It was Kakiskisototahcihk Samakanisikanahk (Remembrance Day) for students today at EES. On Saturday, November 11th, […]
November 9, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 9, 2023Categories FacebookENTER TO WIN!! In support of the U15 NBC3 Flight and CASH PRIZE! Scan QR CodeENTER TO WIN!! In support of the U15 NBC3 Flight and CASH PRIZE! Scan QR […]
November 9, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 9, 2023Categories FacebookENTER TO WIN!! In support of the U15 NBC3 Flight and CASH PRIZE! Scan QR Code ENTER TO WIN!! In s…ENTER TO WIN!! In support of the U15 NBC3 Flight and CASH PRIZE! Scan QR […]
November 9, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 9, 2023Categories FacebookExtra Life | Change Kids’ Health, Change the FutureExtra Life | Change Kids’ Health, Change the Future Source
November 9, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 9, 2023Categories FacebookOsteoporosis Presentation November 22, 2023Osteoporosis Presentation November 22, 2023 Source
November 8, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 8, 2023Categories FacebookMaskwacis National Indigenous Veteran’s Day Ceremonial, November 8, 2023.Maskwacis National Indigenous Veteran’s Day Ceremonial, November 8, 2023. Source
November 8, 2023Published by Erimineskin at November 8, 2023Categories FacebookPlease be advised Tomorrow (Nov.9) Repairs will be conducted on a main water valve on the gravel …⚠️⛔️ Please be advised ⚠️⛔️ Tomorrow (Nov.9) Repairs will be conducted on a main water […]