Chief Dan Minde Research Centre

Lands & Resources Dept.

Ermineskin Rea Ltd.

Ermineskin Education Post

Phone: (780) 585-4006

Fax: (780) 585-2006

Our Mission Statement:

"To protect and manage the collective interests of the Neyaskweyahk Iynoyahk and assert jurisdiction to our ancestral territory by excercising our sovereignity and treaty rights for future generations."

Our Vision Statement:

"Neyaskweyahk Iynowahk have and operational and enforceable askiy wiyasowewina that protects our collective inherent, Treaty and Human Rights."

* Introduction – Services department provides to members and non-members

The Land Department works to ensure proper procedures and protocols are followed within Ermineskin Reserve #138. The department act as a liaison on matters pertaining to land on reserve. The department ensures there’s a good working relationship with Industry. Consultation is a key factor to any potential project(s) within the Reserve or Traditional Territory. We provide historical/research information when requested from Chief and Council. We provide reserve maps to Emergency Departments (RCMP, Ambulance, Fire/Rescue) and any service department. We are a liaison to land occupants and farmers. We maintain up to date land files.