First Nations Development Fund Grant Program
FNDF Support Worker (TEMP): Eugene Coyote
Contact: 780-585-3741 Ext.268
ECN First Nation Development Fund Sport Funding for Youth and Adults:
Mandate: Ermineskin Cree Nation will provide assistance, subject to funding availability, for Youth and Adult Ermineskin Cree Nation citizens, male or female, engaged in elite sports in an academic and non-academic setting.
- Ermineskin citizen who receives sponsorship from this program does not qualify for sponsorship under another FNDF Sponsorship program for adults or youth.
- Ermineskin Cree Nation Citizens can apply only once per fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st).
- Ermineskin Cree Nation Citizen enrolled on the ECN Band Membership List.
- Must complete an application with support and/or proof of participation such as;
- Official Roster List
- Official Letter of Acceptance
- Official Letter of Engagement
- Must provide an official source showing total/overall costs and fees required.
- Must contribute 25% of the overall costs
- Payments will be paid directly to the organization and the housing/billeting host (Billeting shall include: all food, groceries, and place to live, the player is assigned their own room and wifi).
- Proper and adequate medical insurance coverage will be the responsibility of the applicant(s).
Violations: If an Ermineskin Cree nation citizen receives sponsorship and does not participate in the tournament, they will be required to return the amount they received. if the sponsorship is not returned, they will not be eligible for future sponsorship under this program.
ECN FNDF Grant Application Forms:
Please ensure you have all the proper documentation and complete the applications. Incomplete applications will be screened out.