January 16, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 16, 2024Categories FacebookAn invite to all Ermineskin Cree Nation Citizens to attend an educational session on Bill C-92 and t…An invite to all Ermineskin Cree Nation Citizens to attend an educational session on Bill […]
January 16, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 16, 2024Categories FacebookImportant notice for NHS clients!Important notice for NHS clients! Source
January 16, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 16, 2024Categories FacebookAn invite to all Ermineskin Cree Nation Citizens to attend an educational session on Bill C-92 and …An invite to all Ermineskin Cree Nation Citizens to attend an educational session on Bill […]
January 16, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 16, 2024Categories FacebookMaskwacis Cree Tribal Council has launched a survey to gather opinions from Nation members on safet…Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council has launched a survey to gather opinions from Nation members on […]
January 16, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 16, 2024Categories FacebookMaskwacis Cree Tribal Council has launched a survey to gather opinions from Nation members on safety…Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council has launched a survey to gather opinions from Nation members on […]
January 16, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 16, 2024Categories FacebookPowwow Singing on TUESDAYS for ages 11-17 at the Jim RS Sports Bldg. SIGNUP NOW!Powwow Singing on TUESDAYS for ages 11-17 at the Jim RS Sports Bldg. SIGNUP NOW! […]
January 16, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 16, 2024Categories FacebookStomach cancer presentation!!! Today from 9:30am – 4pm Learn about different stomach cancers and…Stomach cancer presentation!!! Today from 9:30am – 4pm Learn about different stomach cancers and come […]
January 16, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 16, 2024Categories FacebookIf you missed it, here is the latest newsletter! :) Miyo Kîsikâw, here is the first newsletter of t…If you missed it, here is the latest newsletter! 🙂 Miyo Kîsikâw, here is the […]
January 15, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 15, 2024Categories FacebookTowels are on Promotion for January Save 10% off original price @pihtwahew_giftshop #maskwacismal…Towels are on Promotion for January ✨ Save 10% off original price ☑️ @pihtwahew_giftshop #maskwacismall […]
January 15, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 15, 2024Categories FacebookThe Parent Drop In Program Is being *MOVED To A Different Date* Just do to the cold weather and th…The Parent Drop In Program Is being *MOVED To A Different Date* Just do to […]
January 15, 2024Published by Erimineskin at January 15, 2024Categories FacebookMaskwacis Employment Center will be hosting Alberta Basic Security Guard Training. Contact the MEC f…Maskwacis Employment Center will be hosting Alberta Basic Security Guard Training. Contact the MEC for […]