The Ermineskin Cree Nation is offering Christmas Gift Cards for the off-reserve members this holiday!
Start: Thursday, December 5th, 2024.
For Off-Reserve Ermineskin Members.
Location: Pick up in person at the Administration Office.
Mon- Thursday 8:30-4:30pm. (Closed on off-Friday Dec. 6th, Closed a 12 Noon Dec. 13th for Christmas Staff Party).
Last day for pick up is December 19th, 2024.
To ensure you get your gift card, please pick up before the office closes for the Holidays, December 19th, 2024.
Please provide the following: Photo ID, and Proof of Residency (notes cannot be accepted).
*One Per Household will be Provided.
If you are unable to pick up in person, they will be mailed when Post Office Strike is over, we thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please call to provide address.
Contact: Marlena the ECN Administration Chief’s Boardroom
to provide your information, and address
780-585-3741 ask for Chief’s Boardroom Extension 1074.
Edmonton number 780-420-0008
Toll Free : 1-866-585-3941
Thank you! And Happy Holidays!
* On Reserve members will receive a Christmas Hamper per household in lieu of Gift Cards, please see post for that information.