Maskwacis Minor Hockey Association held their Annual General Meeting for the parents and public Tuesday June 11, 2024.
Acting president Laureen Omeasoo gave the annual report at the meeting, and financials.
There were 204 players registered with MMHA last year in the 2023-24 season.
The U15 and U18 teams qualified and competed in the finals in the League Playoffs this year. Way to go Hawks!
2 Champions banners for league and zones were won last season by the U18 Maskwacis Hawks team!
The following positions will required to be filled: President, Vice President and Registrar. Five Board member positions were also vacant, and they nominated and voted at the AGM.
Newly appointed MMHA Board Members: Holly J, Kara Ward, Everette Omeasoo, Tara Cutarm & KC Littlechild.