Kanawemahwasowin Kamik Back To School Food and Home Hampers
Hampers per household will depend on the number of house occupants.
In partnership with Ermineskin Industrial Relations, Maskwacis Health Services,
September 19th – 21st, 2023
There will be 250 Hampers DAILY, until supplies last. Pick-Up location at KKI, starting at 10am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
You must register and provide proof of residency in order to get your hamper delivered.
Pigeon Lake Pick-Up: Pigeon Lake Rec Centre
Buck Lake Pick-up: Community Centre
Smallboy Camp: Will be delivered to individual residences.
For more information ask for Jessica Saskatchewan or Stephanie Littlechild: (780) 585-3721
jessica.s@kkamik.com or stephanie.l@kkamik.com