In 2023, the First Nations-in-Assembly unanimously approved the AFN Resolution 04/2023, Revised Final Settlement Agreement on Compensation for First Nations Children and Families.
Starting today, First Nations individuals who are over the age of majority who were affected by discrimination in the First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) Program can submit a Claim.
Eligible Class Members include First Nations individuals who were removed from their homes as Children between April 1, 1991, and March 31, 2022, while on reserve or in the Yukon and placed into care funded by Indigenous Services Canada, as well as their Caregiving Parents or Caregiving Grandparents.
The Final Settlement Agreement (FSA) on Compensation is entirely separate from the Draft Agreement on Long-Term Reform (LTR). Efforts on long-term reform remain underway in accordance with the AFN Resolutions.
Help is available to support Claimants with the Claims Process. Visit or call, 1-833-852-0755, for more details.