About Ermineskin

1What is Ermineskin Cree Nation
The Ermineskin Cree Nation (Reserve #138) is one member of the Four Nations of Maskwacis, Alberta - located in Central Alberta about fifty miles south of Edmonton on Highway 2A, halfway between the towns of Ponoka and Wetaskiwin. The Ermineskin Cree Nations land base is approximately 25'000 acres.
More Information
2Our Community Description
The total land base of the Maskwacis 4 Sister Nations is 291 sq. Km of which 108.62 sq. Km is owned and operated by the almost 3000 members of the Ermineskin Cree Nation. The Reserve is located in close proximity of Alberta's two main cities of Edmonton and Calgary.
More Important Advantages
3Financially Stable
With access to a large supply of oil and gas revenues the Ermineskin Cree Nation is considered to be one of the more economically stable First Nation communities in Canada. Revenues generated have in the past, been used to support community business, purchase outside expertise and to further develop the Tribes infrastructure. These same revenues can also be used to help support future development projects.

Departments Information:

1Property Management - After Hours
* For Emergency Call during Afterhours/Holidays, please contact: 780-360-2546
Any calls not authorized by Property Management will be the homeowners responsibility to pay.
2Membership Notices
Contact Membership for more information (780) 585-3741 Membership Prices available below. See Prices Poster
3Support Services
THE TRIBAL SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM HAS REACHED IT’S BUDGETED CAP UNTIL MAY 2024. What this means: Support Services is operating on a MONTH-TO-MONTH Budgeted Amount and the funds for this month has been capped. However, members can still apply and, depending on their circumstances, will be processed next month. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for understanding.

Ermineskin Education Trust Fund and Post-Secondary

1Post Secondary Deadlines to Apply:
Fall Term (September): June 15th Winter Term (January): November 15th Spring Term (May/June): March 15th (third and 4th year students) Summer Term (July/August): May 30th (third and fourth year students) To view/download applications and requirements, see the ECN Postsecondary webpage
2What kind of supports does E.E.T.F. provide?
Some restrictions may apply. Some students living ON reserve and are attending Wolf Creek Public Schools, Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools or Saint Thomas Aquinas Roma Catholic Schools will qualify for school supply funds through MESC. IN SCHOOL SERVICES: -K-12 School Supplies (off reserve only) -School Fees (off reserve only) -Bus Passes/Bussing (50%) (off reserve only) -School Field Trips (off reserve only) - Children’s/Youth Awards (everyone) -After School Tutorial (off reserve only) HIGH SCHOOL: (Everyone) - High School Credit Incentive (everyone) - Graduation Support (everyone) - Chief Dan Minde Award Grade 12 or GED Completion (everyone) - Student Support (to help high school students in need of assistance to attend a post-secondary institute)