In providing business grants to new and existing small businesses the Ermineskin Economic Development Department strives to assist and prepare our people to be independent and self-sufficient on and off reserve, through business and employment opportunities development.
•Must be an Ermineskin Band Member 18 +
•Provide a detailed Business plan with a proposal for new business
•Provide a detailed Executive Summary with a proposal for existing business
•Must be actively involved in the running of the business
•Provide a detailed financial projection of at least 1 year
•Must provide a signed B.C.R. stating your intention to open a business and allowing it.
Guidelines and Procedure
1. Submit typed proposal and executive summary for review of Ermineskin Economic Development Department Committee.
2. Provide detailed documentation regarding usage of requested funds. (i.e. Quotes, invoices, receipts
3. After reviewed by EEDD Committee, if approved, you attend the next available Chief and Council meeting to obtain required BCR. Submit a copy of the said BCR to the EEDD.
4. Now you will be required to sign a contract with the EEDD detailing the details of your grant
5. All grant monies must be spent within sixty (60) days of release to you. Also within the same time frame, all documentation regarding spending will have to be listed and submitted to the EEDD. This documentation will be all receipts obtained after spending the grant. Failure to do so will be regarded as breach of contract and will result with you paying back all grant monies.
To download the application: