Elders' Centre

Phone number: 780-585-3435

Mailing address: P.O Box 219
Maskwacis, Alberta
T0C 1N0

Along with providing a safe and nourishing envionrment, the Ermineskin Elders' Centre is a meeting and gathering place for social, educational, recreational, spiritual and inter-generational activities. The Elders' Centre maintains an open door policy, and staff encourage this policy with making sure the "coffee and tea are always on".
The Elders' Centre services and programs vary: weekly, monthly and annually. Some of the following services are just a few examples of what is provided:


With all of the upcoming programs we provide for our Elders, we are looking for dedicated and compassionate individuals interested in volunteering with us! For more information, please contact us at the office and feel free to fill out one of our applications. We are looking for volunteers for the following areas:

  • Fundraising
  • Kitchen Meal Prep
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Medicine/ Berry Picking
  • Field Trip Chaperone
  • Hair Dressing
  • Cultural Practice (Smudge, Sweats. etc.)


Services Offered for ECN Elders:

  • Transportation (Medical; Grocery shopping; Meetings, etc)
  • Rental bookings of the Centre (Free of Charge for Tribal Elders)
  • Utilities paid monthly
  • Appliance Repairs
  • Staff available to assist Elders with various applications; paperwork, etc.

Great Job to all of those involved in this great project in Ermineskin!

'It's an honour': Maskwacis students build homes for elders